GB Shaw's rotating hut — election policies on housing — China plans megacity - passivehouseplus.ie
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GB Shaw's rotating hut — election policies on housing — China plans megacity


Inside George Bernard Shaw's rotating writing hut

Linking you up with some green building and energy stories:

What could today's passive house designers learn from George Bernard Shaw's rotating hut? Treehugger

Is sustainable design wearing thin? Guardian

China to create world's largest mega city Infrastructurist

Can straw bales be used to insulate under a concrete slab? Green Building Advisor

Future housing supply in Ireland — for some interesting commentary from the Ireland After Nama blog  about the Construction Industry Federation's call for new house building, see here and here.

As the election approaches, where are the parties' policies on housing and planning? Ireland After Nama

The Canadian ancestry of the passive house Treehugger

Profile of a passive house in Wisconsin Metro Hippie

Modern Rwandan education centre made with local materials Inhabitat

Last modified on Friday, 11 February 2011 09:09